• his and hers restroom signsRestoring Restroom Dignity

I'm a Mom. I solve stuff.

Chicago Public Schools Eliminate Girls’& Boys’ Restrooms

Boys-plus Bathroom

The groomers at Chicago Public Schools have invited boys into girls bathrooms, and girls into boy’s bathrooms, so  that the young girls struggling to learn how to manage the blood flow of their first periods can also have immature leering boys to worry about, and so that the young boys…

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How to stop activists from harassing you in public restrooms!

activists harassing Sen. Sinema in public restroom

What happened to Senator Kirsten Sinema recently was disgusting!   Several political activists, including a man invading women’s space(!) followed her into a public restroom at Arizona State University, and heckled and harassed her while she did her business.  I’ve never seen anything like it in my life!   They claimed to…

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Missing dressing room & shower curtains

communal shower wall

Have you ever wondered what curtainless showers & dressing rooms are for? In high schools? At beaches houses? In sports locker rooms? When I was a kid with a bully-type gymn teacher (now called a “P. E. teacher”), I used to think the small private school just couldn’t afford shower…

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